About Me

A Bit About Me
I've been a fan of classic film for as long as I can remember. Most of my childhood was spent watching classic musicals like Camelot, The Music Man, and The King and I, among many others, and things just grew from there. I've always had very eclectic tastes so I like just about every classic genre there is, but my absolute favorite is classic horror.

Thanks to TCM, the internet, and other like minded people, the community of classic film fans just keeps growing and growing. I love that I'm able to go to movie theaters and see these old films on the big screen, and sometimes see the actors or crew talk about the film. My first introduction to these events was Monster Bash back in 2003, in Pittsburgh, where I met Kevin McCarthy, Julie Adams, Ben Chapman, and Sarah Karloff. It was such a great experience meeting the stars and other fans, and I try to attend events like whenever I can. Living in Los Angeles makes it especially easy to attend classic screenings and other events, so that is what most of my free time consists of.